Thrive through midlife and beyond.

Discover simple, science-backed ways to enhance your health, vitality, and wellbeing, and find joy in aging well.


At ASHER Health and Wellness, we are dedicated to guiding you on a journey of flourishing, whether you are in peri-menopause, post-menopause, or anywhere in between. Our passion is to empower you to age gracefully and live abundantly. You were uniquely designed and created with a specific purpose, and we’re here to help you become the best version of yourself, no matter your age or stage in life.

» Are you experiencing peri, post, and menopause symptoms?


» Are you tired of feeling exhausted all the time?

» Do you struggle with managing stress and finding balance in your life?

» Are you frustrated with trying to lose weight and not seeing results?

» Do you experience frequent digestive issues such as bloating, gas, or indigestion?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
» Are you overwhelmed by conflicting nutrition advice and unsure about what to eat?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
» Do you suffer from chronic pain or discomfort, such as joint pain or headaches?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
» Are you struggling to get restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
» Do you find it challenging to stay motivated and stick to healthy habits?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
» Are you feeling disconnected or lacking fulfillment in your relationships or personal life?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
» Do you want to improve your overall health and well-being but don’t know where to start?

A health coach plays a unique and empowering role in your journey towards better health and wellness. Here’s what a health coach does

In essence, a health coach serves as a guide and partner on your journey to improved health and well-being. By offering guidance, education when needed, support, insight, and encouragement, a health coach helps you navigate challenges, tap into your inner strength, and create lasting positive change in your life. We know we have to make changes, but we need help because Change is hard, change creates loss and fear.

Our Approach

You are the expert in your own life, and our coaching approach is centered around honoring your unique strengths, experiences, preferences, goals, and journey, while also integrating functional medicine approaches to address root causes of health issues. We actively listen to your story and work together to retell it in a redemptive way to be able to work on the necessary lifestyle behaviors.

Utilizing the principles of positive psychology, we aim to cultivate a positive mindset, magnify your strengths and gifts, and foster resilience as you navigate your wellness journey based on what is right with you.

Using evidence-based motivational interviewing techniques, we partner with you to explore your intrinsic motivations, overcome obstacles, co-creating short term and long term SMART goals in order to achieve lasting behavioral change aligned with your own values, aspirations and vision of optimal health. By identifying your unique needs, we co-create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle.

Our ultimate goal is to help you unlock your full potential and experience a state of flourishing and balance in every stage and every aspect of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, just as you were meant to live, while integrating functional medicine guidelines to address underlying imbalances.

What we can work on together:

Features & Benefits

Our approach


Did you know that you can change the way you age? Start your journey to flourishing health, energy, and well-being now. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you, guided by functional medicine principles, and supported by compassionate, collaborative care!


Instagram: @thejoyofagingwell

Lina Sierra - Health Coach

Lina M. Sierra

Founder and Lead Health Coach

My dream is a world where women in midlife thrive, achieving their full potential and living the life they were created and destined to live. They know their worth, embrace their uniqueness, and know where they’re going, living every moment with that destination in mind, no matter the stage of life they are in. These women enjoy aging with Simplicity, Health, Energy, and Radiance.

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